On the demo website there are two examples of such slider. You need a working copy of the newest WordPress minimum required is WordPress 4. Visit the support page for this item to find out how to contact us. This will produce "Continue Reading Install WordPress Importer plugin to have an ability to import the demo content. It's a good idea to put "fullscreen" word in that place and all your projects will have fullscreen images by default. Once this template is selected and once you save and refresh the page, new options specific to "Portfolio Template" will appear. konzept themeforest

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Visit the support page for this item to find out how to contact us.

WordPress Theme Gallery

This may help you: On the demo website there are two examples of such slider. If the box with "Allow Comments" checkbox is not visible please enable it in the top right corner in "Screen Options". On the demo there are two additional, narrow and empty columns on the sides that make the content a little bit narrower. If an image is not uploaded, your blog name and description will be used as text.

konzept themeforest

All custom modification should be done in a child theme. We use the default WordPress themes as reference as well so you can check their functions. The demo uses a page named "Homepage" as the front page.

Konzept Fullscreen WordPress Theme

Blog — your front page is a blog by default. That's possible with minor style adjustments. Each one has to have "Portfolio Template" selected in the box to the right. You can create any footer layout and you can use any widgets in footer's columns but as long as the footer is floating over the content there's not much space there.

They are not included in the package. Portfolio Categories Filter — it lists portfolio categories of the current portfolio page and portfolio categories of the main portfolio page on all other pages. The designers listed above agreed to use their works as preview content for the demo website but these works can not be used elsewhere.

“Konzept theme” documentation — version 2.4

Contact — you will need Contact Form 7 plugin to make the form appear. Big thanks to all the great designers who have provided preview content for Konzept.

The theme is based on Underscores framework which is a set of basic starter files that the default themes use. It's a good idea to put "fullscreen" word in that place and all your projects will have fullscreen images by default. Install Contact Form 7 plugin before importing the demo content to have the contact form import as konzrpt.

So, for instance, some specific images of your choice can have "fit" instead of "fullscreen". Font Awesome Icons Map. Videos are always fullscreen and images have a few additional modes available: Please use the following shortcode to load your recent Dribbble works: This is the installable package that you can install.

Konzept documentation — IKON

We will usually respond within 24—72 hours. You can download one of the following on that page: Please contact the server administrator and ask them to increase that. The WordPress article covers most of what you need to know about child themes.

Shortcodes, forms, columns, SEO settings, Google Analytics code and similar things need to be added with plugins to have it still working when you switch themes.

Both new posts and new pages have comments enabled by default. This will produce "Continue Reading Attaching a menu to the "Main Menu" location is required. Common Installation Issues - top Missing Stylesheet — make sure to unzip the package that you downloaded from ThemeForest.

konzept themeforest

The demo server has this set to 64 MB. Generally, if a plugin exists for something you need, it should be used.


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